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- 08.12.2024 ABI Bank wins prestigious award from International Banker Magazine
- 06.07.2022 ABI Bank and UNDP embark on a partnership to support small businesses recover from the earthquake
- 06.07.2022 ABI Bank and UNDP embark on a partnership to support small businesses recover from the earthquake
- 10.06.2022 Information regarding cryptocurrencies and our communication addresses
- 23.10.2020 American Bank of Investments, 5 years of success in Albania
- 12.10.2020 American Bank of Investments has supported women and girls victims of trafficking
- 05.10.2020 ABI supports the campaign against breast cancer "Pink Ribbon reminds me"
- 30.09.2020 Base Lending Rate as of 30 September 2020
- 21.09.2020 ABI supports "Different & Equal" organization
- 14.07.2020 Starts Kassiopi Project, a 120 million euro tourism investment by NCH Capital in Corfu
- 01.07.2020 Pay from home at no extra cost using our e-banking platform
- 30.06.2020 Notification on new Contactless Cards of ABI Bank
- 26.06.2020 ABI Bank in support of families in need
- 13.05.2020 ABI helps families in need
- 24.04.2020 Abi Bank donates ventilators to the Albania health authorities
- 14.04.2020 Notification - Branches Open Hours
- 09.04.2020 Sovereign loan: here's how it will work. Interview of Mrs. Anila Daci, ABI Head of Lending Division
- 02.04.2020 Invest in Optimism: ABI Bank CEO interview for Top Talk
- 20.03.2020 Awareness Message #stayhome
- 19.03.2020 ABI Bank support customers on loan installment postponment
- 11.03.2020 Prevention is the best cure - COVID19
- 09.03.2020 New Contactless Card of ABI Bank
- 26.11.2019 ABI Bank help those affected by the earthquake
- 07.02.2019 The Bank of Albania issues clarifying statements related to the American Bank of Investments
- 03.02.2019 Banks are the proudest passport of Albania, and ABI is the largest American investment in Albania
- 22.11.2018 ABI celebrates Thanksgiving Day together with those most in need
- 04.07.2018 American Bank of Investments successfully concludes the transaction for the purchase of NBG Bank Albania
- 02.02.2018 American Bank of Investments today announced the signing of an agreement with the National Bank of Greece for the purchase of NBG Albania
- 15.01.2018 ABI reports higher credit portfolios in the banking system
- 03.01.2017 ABI receives two prizes for Corporate Social Responsibility this year
- 12.12.2016 American Bank of Investments celebrates its License Anniversary
- 18.10.2016 ABI Premier – American Bank of Investments launches new VIP branch for clients
- 05.08.2016 ABI – Record profits and leading industry performance
- 12.04.2016 American Bank of Investments – Americans show strength in the Albanian banking market