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ABI reports higher credit portfolios in the banking system

In 2017, bad loans fell to four percent of the loan portfolio, from almost 40 percent in 2015.

On 15 January, 2017, ABI reported a low level of bad loans, which now account for only four percent of the portfolio. Given the careful management of the growth of the loan portfolio and the improvement of existing non-performing loans, bad loans are expected to decrease further during 2018.

Mark Crawford, member of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the Bank’s audit board, stressed, “The fundamental improvement of loan portfolio quality, as well as the bank’s operational consolidation have been and will remain important targets of the American Bank of Investments and focus of the Board of Directors. ABI is now one of the largest American investments in Albania, and I hope to further increase this investment in the future.”

Kathryn Swintek, Chairman of the ABI Board said, “The Board of Directors has paid particular importance to meeting all requirements of regulators and internal auditing. We are proud to develop a boutique bank strategy that brings a lot of benefits to our customers.”

Greg Katz, shareholder NCH Capital confirmed, “The Albanian economy reports steady and satisfactory growth. Regulatory entities of the banking system have taken the steps necessary to maintain financial stability and reduce non-performing loans. It is very significant that the Albanian banking system is one of the few in the region that did not need government assistance during and after the financial crisis. NCH Capital is active in the financial markets of Romania, Ukraine, Moldova, and Albania. We highly appreciate the careful control of the banking market by local and international institutions. The economic situation and prospects for banking consolidation in Albania are positive, and in line with our expectations. We are proud of the work done by the Steering Board, management staff, and by all bank employees.”

Andy Ballta, CEO of ABI commented on the Bank’s achievements in the first two years of its creation. “In 2015, for all Bank employees it was clear that improving credit portfolio quality was a priority, and a necessity to enable sound growth in the future. It is a special pleasure and source of pride to be able to report a healthier loan portfolio in the banking system to figures similar to the more secure Western banking markets. The first implications are for hundreds of employees of ABI and Tranzit. It has been, and is, a privilege to work with these employees. The growth and improvement of our results was achieved by the integrity, positivity, dedication and professionalism of our wonderful employees, who have provided a very simple and clear example of how the results of a banking institution can be improved within a short time. Over the same period, the ABI has managed to double its assets and become the ninth bank in the banking system here, as well as report large profits. Year 2018 finds us in a very healthy position with liquidity, capitalization, and loan portfolio quality that enable further growth of the Bank.”

By the end of 2017, ABI reported total assets of EUR 309 million.