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Quotes for Securities

Quotes for securities

Security ISIN Issue date Maturity date Days to maturiry  Coupon Buy yield Sale yield
Obligacion Reference 3Y AL000A3LUHP1 23-Feb-24 10-Jul-27 918 4.70% 3.85% 2.95%
Obligacion Reference 3Y AL0046NF3Y25 28-Feb-22 28-Feb-25 56 2.80% 3.43% 2.53%
Obligacion Reference 3Y AL000A3LEHC3 24-Feb-23 24-Feb-26 417 5.00% 3.24% 2.44%
Obligacion Reference 3Y AL000A3L0PN3 10-Jul-24 10-Jul-27 918 4.30% 3.75% 2.95%
Obligacion Reference 5Y AL000A3LTAW4 26-Jan-24 26-Jan-29 1484 5.25% 4.21% 3.41%
Obligacion Reference 5Y AL0037NF5Y25 26-Mar-20 26-Mar-25 82 3.70% 3.54% 2.64%
Obligacion Reference 5Y AL0038NF5Y26 26-Mar-21 26-Mar-26 447 3.90% 3.30% 2.50%
Obligacion Reference 5Y AL0039NF5Y27 25-Mar-22 25-Mar-27 811 3.32% 3.76% 2.96%
Obligacion Reference 5Y AL000A3LDG84 13-Feb-23 13-Feb-28 1136 6.00% 4.11% 3.31%
Obligacion Reference 5Y AL000A3L0YB0 22-Jul-24 22-Jul-29 1661 4.95% 4.21% 3.41%


The above quotes are indicative and are subject to changes and negotiations depending on the Bank requirements.

Transactions related to Securities are performed within two days.

For any specific request related to the above Securities or other related issues please contact the Treasury Sector by email at: [email protected], Tel:+355 44537201.