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ABI welcomes students from Petro Nini Luarasi High School

In continuing to promote the financial education of the younger generation, the American Bank of Investments welcomed today students from Petro Nini Luarasi High School at its branch in the capital city. During their visit, ABI representatives introduced the students to the role of banks in society and the best ways to create a healthy relationship with money.

These activities are part of an awareness-raising initiative whose purpose is to inform students in detail of the concepts around money and savings through interactive activities. We believe that this is a great opportunity to understand how the banking system operates and its role in the everyday life of all of us.

ABI is an institution that believes financial education of the new generation forms a foundation for having a society that is informed about the economy and constitutes the basis for prudent decision making. Financial education is one of the pillars of the bank’s social responsibility policy, governed under its slogan Invest in Optimism!